Starbucks Case Questions

Starbucks Case Questions

1.      In the early 1980’s, how did Howard Schultz view the possibilities for the fledgling specialty coffee market? What were the most important factors in shaping his perspective?

At first, Starbucks didn’t accept Schultz’s idea and he left the company. He found his new company and make Italian atmosphere. He had known many people drink cheap coffee and they don’t know the loyalty of the coffee. He didn’t use advertisement to maintain the loyalty and brand.

2.       They started out with six stores and by the year 2000 were up to 3300 locations in 17 countries. What do you think were the critical drivers of Starbucks’ success?

His HR strategy is actually working. He had good managers and employees. The relationship between barista and customers is also good. The experience of drinking coffee in the store would be important point of their success.

3.      What is the source of Starbucks’ competitive advantage? Is it sustainable?  What should they do to enhance its position in the marketplace?

They considered whether if they sell Starbucks coffee in grocery store, the brand image would be degraded. Fortunately, it was success. Their brand name boosts their other products such as ice-creams.

4.      It is now 2010, and you are leading a discussion on great companies and their leaders in the Information Revolution. What role do you ascribe to Starbucks and Howard Schultz?

Mail order catalog strategy enabled us to identify the potential of market. In this era, we must use internet system. If mail order catalog was possible, coupon from website would be possible too. We can figure out customer information more specifically and it is going to be low cost. Starbucks card is good example, the card facilitates our spending and the customer’s deposit helps their finance. Furthermore, customer could get a gift at their birthday.

5.      Why did Schultz think he could successfully import the Italian Coffee bar concept to the United States?

When Schultz traveled to Italy to see their coffee business, his perspective about coffee business was changed. He saw the relationship of barista and customers, the atmosphere of coffee bar and figured out they had characteristic business style. His success is not only derived from these business styles but also derived from his own strategy such as health benefit and stock option.

6.      Since this case was written (2002) Starbucks has gone through some significant problems and is now on the road to solving them. Please do research outside the realm of this case and briefly explain how they have weathered the storm of the recession and the change of their business model.

They are facing bad situation due to wrong decision making and global financial crisis. Their expansion policy is widely criticized because they are going to be just like Wal-Mart and overpriced furniture and raw materials accelerate their debt. In this economic, any competitors doesn’t follow such a company.


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