I’m just me

I’m just me (I’m just me)

This is me: black hair, yellow skin, light-brown eyes. These are general Japanese style. In addition, my hair is straight and dyed drown now. My skin is actually near white because Japanese skin is variety within the limit of yellow. My physique is seemed stronger than general people because I had been played tennis in my university’s days.

I have never worried about my skin and something like this. When I went to foreign country like Malaysia and America, People looked at me but they gave a kindness and approached me to talk about Japan. So I have been able to be a pride and confidence to be my color as Japanese than the time I was in small community like a Japan. Japanese people are very cold personality. I was sometimes annoyed about this personality. For example, I sometimes experienced no talking day. I was alone. And I lost my confidence while I stayed in Japan.

After I came here, I often feel I could recover myself and take confidence back. The reason why I was alone is that I was studying about English and America. I couldn’t belong to a community which likes to study about America. I have no money. And there are few people who study English seriously. I didn’t have a fellow who have a same interest.

My country is only Japanese. What do I make a difference other Japanese? My school days persisted me a personality like how you can study than other people in this school. There always existed like this atmosphere. I always thought studying is not only in the school but I couldn’t escape these environments. Gradually I lost my confidence.

In an America, even now I feel this type of atmosphere from American people but it’s not stronger than before because my dream that I go to graduate college came true and there are many people who like to study English. I could make fellows. And I can make a difference from them because I have own major that I studied in Japanese university hood. But in the future, some people who have a lot of knowledge in same major will appear in front of me and they will defeat me on same major field. I will lose my confidence again. I have to make an effort not to be defeated by stronger people in same major. And I found a way of getting over, if I lost myself.

Finally, the reason why I dyed hear brown is there are many kind of hear style people. I’m not shamed at all. Maybe I can’t do it, if I am in Japan because Japanese persists their appearance. I wrote diary about in my mind when I dyed hear. I often write diary when something happen in my mind. Writing a diary is the best way to keep myself because my thinking becomes rational and theoretical ideas by writing a diary. Probably I will write diary when I am defeated by people who a lot of knowledge in same major. This is the way of getting over. I think I will not be defeated unless I quit keeping myself. I’m just me. But this is difficult.


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