The perils of texting

The perils of texting

Yoichi Horibe

1, which of the five moral dimensions of information systems identified in this text is involved in this case?

              This case would involve in the dimension of accountability and control. If accident occurs, prosecutors have to prove that the driver knew about the risks of texting while driving before doing so. If the legislation is well explained to the drivers, Accidents might not occur. On the other hand, some drivers who are well-known about the legislation dare to refuse to admit that texting is dangerous when they themselves do it.

              Above all, there is need not only for accountability but also for drivers to control themselves.


2, what are the ethical, social, and political issues raised by this case?

              The ethical issues are on producers’ side. The producer’s provide high-tech devices and their objective is only making money. Each individual doesn’t accept his accountability because when we buy the device, there is no explanation how long we have to be in jail if we text while driving.

              The social issue is about youthful demographic group. Teenagers tend to be anxious about being socially isolated. Distraction, failing grades, repetitive stress injuries and sleep deprivation are just some of the other teenager’s problems brought about by excessive use of mobile devices.

              The political issue is legislators believe that it is not state or federal government’s role to prohibit poor decision making.


3, which of the ethical principles described in the text are useful for decision making about texting while driving?

              Risk Aversion Principle is suitable for this case because this principle considers the potential cost of these accidents. Producers always only count their sales profits of the device, but profits don’t include the worth of a human’s life and the reliability of customers. 


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