New To the Touch

New To the Touch

Yoichi Horibe


1, What problems does multitouch technology solve?

Cloud computing system is deeply related to multitouch technology by enriching it. Scalable cloud computing centers provide computing power, data storage, and high-speed Internet connections.

Multitouch technology helps disabled person like autistic students to speak, communicate with others for the first time in the 14 years of his life. Multitouch technology also helps elementary school students in the early grades who need an easy-to-use computer. In addition, multitouch technology provides a wall-mountable information kiosk-type device for parents and visitors.

In conclusion, multitouch and cloud computing interact inside of computers and provide efficiency and enjoyments for people.

2, What are the advantages and disadvantages of a multitouch interface? How useful is it? Explain.

A multitouch interface has many advantages than single touch interface enables to play so many kinds of applications. There are games, iPhones, flicking thorough photo albums application and so on.

The disadvantage is users might become addicted to the devices and get distracted when driving. This caused result in dangerous accidents.


3, Describe three business applications that would benefit from a multitouch interface.

Their multitouch device is so called “killer application” for customer.

ATMs would benefit from multitouch technology, customers would not need to watch both screen and button because the multitouch device button is on screen. The second aspect is attracting people by the use of new technology. It helps kids fascinate some electronic learning system by the technology. The third system is just for fun. There are so many games and it attracts people.


4, What management, organization, and technology issues must be addressed if you or your business was considering systems and computers with multitouch interfaces?

              There is untapped potential for touch technology in the business marketplace however the technology is able to use existing resources that have outdated IT infrastructure.

              This technology contains hidden potential that can make our life better.


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